Dr. Özgür Çiçek

ocicekha [at] uni-mainz.de
ozgur.cicek [at] fu-berlin.de
ozgur1cicek [at] gmail.com

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Freie Universität-Berlin

CV & Publications


2016 Ph.D. Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture, Binghamton University, USA
2008 M.A. Film and Television Studies, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
2001 B.A. English Language and Literature, Istanbul University, Turkey

Research Appointments

Freie Univesität-Berlin, Cinepoetics – Center for Advanced Film Studies
Philipp Schwartz Fellow – October 2019 - ongoing

Humboldt University of Berlin
Einstein Fellow – March 2019 - October 2019

The Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZEM), Potsdam, Germany
Visiting Scholar – November 2017 - January 2019

Cornell University, Institute for European Studies
Luigi Einaudi Chair Scholar – February-April 2018


2 results
[2] Babam Sağolsun: Frankenstein 200 Yaşında [Thanks to my Father: Frankenstein's 200 years] ( and ), Dogan Kitap, . [pdf]
[1] Jane Austen ve Adab-i Muaseret [Learning Manners and Customs with Jane Austen] ( and ), Dogan Kitap, . [pdf]
Refereed Articles
3 results
[3] Kürt Sineması: Mahpusluk ve Temsiliyet [Kurdish Cinema: Imprisonment and Representation] (), In Alternative Politics, Special Issue on Cinema, . [pdf]
[2] Literature for the People: The Paranormal Mysteries of Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar ( and ), In Clues: A Journal of Detection, McFarland & Co., volume 30, . [pdf]
[1] The Fictive Archive: Kurdish Filmmaking in Turkey (), In Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, . [pdf] [citations]
Book Chapters
6 results
[6] Weakened Nationalism and Thickened Time: Interrogating the position of Kurdish cinema within European cinema discussions (), Chapter in Routledge Companion to European Cinema (Hayward, Susan; Gergely, Gabor, eds.), . [pdf]
[5]Turning undocumented memories into films: Kurdish documentary filmmaking and archive formation (), Chapter in Documentary Cultures in Turkey (Kocer, Suncem; Candan, Can, eds.), Expected publication date 2019, .
[4]Kürt Sinemasında Türler Arasındaki Geçisgenlik: Kurmaca ve Belgeselin Mu\u glakla\c san Sınırları [The trans-genre nature of Kurdish cinema: The obscure boundaries of fiction and documentary] (), Chapter in Kürt Sineması: Yurtsuzluk, Ölüm ve Sınır [Kurdish Cinema: Statelessness, Death, and the Boundary] (Arslan, Mizgin Müjde, ed.), Agora Publishing, .
[3] The Fictive Archive: Kurdish Filmmaking in Turkey (), Chapter in Kurdish Documentary Cinema in Turkey: The Politics and Aesthetics of Identity and Resistance (Kocer, Suncem; Candan, Can, eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, . [pdf]
[2]The Old and New Ways of Kurdish Filmmaking in Turkey: Potentials and Risks (), Chapter in New Cinema, New Media: Reinventing Turkish Cinema (Akser, Murak; Bayraktar, Deniz, eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, .
[1]Zaman ve Mekanda Tersine Yolculuk: Yusuf'un Yattıgı Yer [A Reverse Journey in Time and Space: Semih Kaplanoglu's Cinema] ( and ), Chapter in Ve Sinema [And Cinema] (Yasarturk, Gul, ed.), Doruk Publishing, .
Book Reviews
5 results
[5]Untimely Affects: Gilles Deleuze and An Ethics of Cinema, Edinburgh University Press (Boljkovic, Nadine), in Film Philosophy, volume 21, number 2, .
[4]Small Screen Aesthetics: From Television to the Internet, British Film Institute, 2013 (Creber, Glenn), in New Review of Film and Television Studies, volume 12, issue 3, .
[3] Deleuze & Cinema: The Film Concepts, British Film Institute, 2013 (Berg, 2011), in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, volume 33, issue 3, . [pdf] [doi]
2012 [soc index]
[2]Cinema in Turkey: A New Critical History, Oxford University Press, 2010 (Arslan, Savaş), in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, volume 32, issue 1, .
[1]Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues of Minority Languages in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009 (Pertot, Susanna et aļ), in Political Studies Review, volume 10, issue 1, .
Conference Reports
1 result
[1]NECS 2010 Annual Conference (), in Scope: An Online Journal of Film and Television Studies, Institute of Film and Television Studies, University of Nottingham, Issue 19, .
Encyclopedia Entries
2 results
[2] Kurdish cinema, in The Kurds: An encyclopedia of Life, Culture, and Society , ABC Clio, . [pdf]
[1]Nuri Kırgeç & Unutma Kebap ve Çorba Salonu, in Altyazı Cinema Dictionary of Turkey , .
Non-academic Articles
4 results
[4]Kürt Sinemasını Tanımlamak” [Defining Kurdish Cinema], in Kürt Tarihi [Kurdish History] Istanbul, Issue 40, .
[3]Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ile tek hikayenin tehlikesi” [The Danger of the Single Story through Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie], in ONS Number III, Istanbul, Fall-Winter 2018, .
[2]Ölümünün 200. yılında Jane Austen: Edebiyatı Endüstriye Dönüştüren Dahi yada Hain Kadın. [Jane Austen in her 200th Death Anniversary: The woman who turned Literature into an Industry], in Sabit Fikir, .
[1]Bir Şarkı Arıyorum: Zer. [I’m looking for a Song: Zer], in Altyazı Cinema Journal, .
Invited Talks
2 results
[2]Research Methods in Film Studies”, invited speaker for “Methodology and Research Seminar”, Boğaziçi University, Spring 2016 (), .
[1]Kurdish Documentaries made in Turkey”, invited speaker for “Documentaries in Turkey Seminar”, Boğaziçi University, Spring 2015 (), .
Conference Papers
10 results
[10]Kurdish cinema in Turkey: Theorizing a cinema of imprisonment (), In Mecetes European Screens Conference, University of York, UK., .
[9]The Fictive Archive: Documenting Hidden Histories and Unrepresented Daily Lives through Kurdish Cinema (), In The Time of Performance: Embodiment and Archives of (Un)Belonging in Turkey Panel- June 2016, Columbia University Global Center, Istanbul, .
[8]A Cinema of Resistance: Kurdish Filmmaking in Turkey, In SCMS (Society of Cinema and Media Studies) Conference - March 2014, Seattle, USA, .
[7]Epistemic Friction: When Kurdish cinema meets its audience (), In 15th New Directions in Turkish Film Studies Conference: Cinema and the Audience - May 2014, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, .
[6]From Prison Literature to a Cinema of Imprisonment (), In Ethnicity, Race and Nationalism in European Media and Film: Rights, Responsibilities International Conference – May 2013, University of Manchester – UK, .
[5]Historicizing National Cinema in Turkey through Yılmaz Güney (), In Topographies of Turkish Cinema: Hybrids, Hyphens and Borders Conference - April 2011, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir-Turkey, .
[4]The Turkish Science Fiction Genre in Post Coup d'état Era: Fantasy vs. Science Fiction in The Man Who Saves the World (1982) (), In ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) Conference - March 2009, Harvard University, USA, .
[3]The Conflicting Self and Other in Bollywood (), In SCMS (Society of Cinema and Media Studies) Conference - March 2008, Philadelphia, USA., .
[2]The Conflict of Otherness in Contemporary Indian Cinema (), In Disunited Nations Conference -April 2007, University of Birmingham, England, .
[1]The Colonial Scar in Bollywood (), In Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference – June 2006, Bilgi University, Istanbul, .
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024